Welcome to Our Joyful Mess, where we provide resources and inspiration for those of you in the trenches of family life. Helping you create a joyful, healthy home is our mission!
Who we are:
I’m Kelsey, wife, mother, and homemaker, with a passion for creative and healthy living. I married my husband Ryan in 2020, we moved into our little house in a small, rural town in Ontario, Canada. For a short time before our first child was born, I went back to work. It was fun to slip back into the groove at the bakery I had worked at previously. Now, I’m blessed to be able to stay at home with our children, while Ryan goes to work doing excavating for the family business. We plan to continue this arrangement indefinitely, as we welcome more children into our family when the time is right, Lord willing.
You might be wondering why I haven’t referred to our children by name! For the sake of thier safety, I’m going to call them Raya and Clyde, even though those aren’t actually their real names. For those of you who know us personally, I’d appreciate if you could support our efforts to keep our anonymity online and refer to them by their blog names if you post any comments about them. Thanks!
Our Golden Retriever dog, Bella, deserves an honourable mention. She has brought lots of life and physical activity to our family!
The Heart of Our Joyful Mess:
After settling into married life, Ryan and I excitedly welcomed our first baby in 2022. Becoming a wife and mother has completely reinvented my life in the most joyful way imaginable, but there is still so much I have to learn! My mission at Our Joyful Mess is to pass along inspiration and tips that I’ve discovered to help you thrive in your feminine calling. Whether you’re a new bride, a veteran mother, or a single career woman, your home can be a healthy, joyful haven!
My Christian faith in the Lord Jesus Christ serves as the foundation for my perspective on life. I grew up in a loving, Mennonite Christian home. My greatest ambition in life is to fulfill God’s calling for my life by serving those around me, especially my family, with joy that overflows from a contented heart. I hope and pray that I can encourage you not only in the physical life we live in, but also the spiritual battles we face every day.
We hope you enjoy our blog. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us.